PCOS Symptom Synopsis: Cystic & Hormonal Acne

Blog 6 in Series: PCOS

If you don’t know what PCOS is, then please take the time to read the first post in this series, which can be found here.

Acne Front

The Nitty Gritty:

The dictionary (Google) tells me that…

“Acne is a skin condition that causes pimples or “zits.” This includes whiteheads, blackheads, and red, inflammed patches of skin.”

Well, duh, Google! Many women with PCOS have cystic or hormonal acne. It’s mainly caused by a hormonal imbalance, much like women who have regular periods experience during PMS. They can be extremely irritating and painful, but luckily, in many cases, it can be controlled by good hygiene, which isn’t the case with many other PCOS symptoms.

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My Experience:

You might look at my pictures (all the ones shared are of me) in this post and think, “She has NO IDEA what acne really is!” or “Who is she kidding?! Her skin is fine!” But what you need to remember is that my skin (pre-PCOS symptoms) was typically VERY clear, and I work crazy hard on making sure my face is well taken care of now. I wash my face multiple times per day, I am sure to exfoliate a few times a week, I wear night cream, SPF, daytime moisturizers, eye cream, you get it…the works.

It’s a task to keep my skin “clear,” but without makeup, I can see and feel my imperfections. Usually once a month or so I get a few larger bumps on my chin, but I ALWAYS have tiny red bumps all over my face. It’s really annoying, as my skin looks constantly irritated.

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How to Overcome Cystic/Hormonal Acne:

1. Take great care of your skin. Talk to a dermatologist or an esthetician and see what they recommend to you. Don’t be afraid to try new things and see what works for you. See my post on 5/29/2014 on Acne Prevention.

2. Invest in great makeup. Concealer/great foundation has become a friend of mine. You can go on YouTube and watch people transform their faces from full of acne, bright red and bumpy to perfectly smooth-looking. It won’t do anything to solve your problems, but it can boost your self confidence and make you feel great! See my post on 6/5/2014 on Acne Concealing.

3. Love yourself no matter what! Don’t stress over your acne, it will just make it worse. You can look in the mirror and just say “Okay, I got this.” THAT, my friends, is when you will know that you can love yourself no matter what you see looking back at you.

Do you have problems with cystic or hormonal acne? How have you dealt and do you have any tips to share?


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