The Problem with PCOS


I say “problem” like there aren’t a million problems with PCOS. (If you don’t know what PCOS, please take the time to read more about it here.) It’s been a while since you’ve all had an update in MY PCOS story, so I thought I would get you up to speed.

Basically, about 3 years ago, I went to the doctor to straighten out the issues that I’ve had with my health. I had no idea that all the issues that I thought were “little” were adding up to be one big problem. At that time, my doctor did a lot of blood tests and an ultrasound. She diagnosed me with PCOS mainly because of my missed periods and symptoms I was showing.

After this, I decided I was going to try to control my PCOS via diet and exercise. It kind of worked, but it took a lot of work, was exhausting, and upsetting, and didn’t prove to be prosperous. My weight has yo-yo’ed back and forth in between the same 50 lbs the whole time! It’s been frustrating, but the lack of periods mixed with the weight gain, has been the turning point for me to get another opinion.

I can easily say that my husband and I plan on starting a family in the next few years. The fact that I have PCOS is the haunting thought that I have in the back of my mind constantly. (I don’t have periods. I need to lose weight. Is my uterus okay? Are my ovaries properly functioning? How are my blood levels?) Well, this recent trip to the doctor is the beginning of really figuring out these issues and to start planning for our future.

I had some blood tests, another ultrasound, and even a biopsy done with this new doctor. (He happens to be a researcher in PCOS, and previously worked for the Mayo Clinic where he wrote this page. I trust he knows what he’s doing.) He put me on Progesterone to bring on a menstrual cycle.  I will know more when I have a follow up appointment, but it’s important to stay on top of your appointments, to have a good doctor, and to be proactive.

At this point, all I want to do is urge you to “figure it out.” Get curious about your health! Have follow up appointments! I know I should have been doing this all along, but it takes courage to face PCOS. I know each of you can do it as well. I will be sure to update you on my process moving forward.

All my love!