New Year. New Business. New Mindset.


new year. new me. new mindset.

New Year.

I’m going to pause here and let you guys really think about the fact that it’s a new year. I LOVE new years. I love the fresh start, the immediate celebration, the goal-oriented mindset of others, the passion to do better than ever! It’s refreshing, reflective and therapeutic to me! That’s why I want to get my goals down in writing so I can reflect when I want to, don’t forget, need a reminder, etc. I wish you luck in setting your goals this year!


New Business.

The Pretty Plus LLC is now a thing. Yeah, guys! I’ve reached that point in my blogging career that it’s become a legitimate business entity. I’m excited for the challenges of owning a small business, but I’m also nervous! A big goal of mine this year is to tackle my first year in business head on!


New Mindset.

I’ve been working to reshape my mindset for a few months now. It’s all begun with the need to clear my head, my closet, my whole house, etc. I can’t tell you guys how extremely messy I am. It’s a scattering of ALL my stuff all throughout my house. I feel bad for my husband every day because I can’t somehow keep my explosion of things under control. That’s why I am lessening my things in an attempt to control this volcano of stuff all the time.

  1. Create an On-Going Capsule Closet- I wear the same 25-35 articles of clothing most of the time. I have come to know what I like, so why don’t I just wear what I like all the time? News flash! I can! And I can mix them up to be able to still show fashion posts. And I can buy a piece of clothing and not feel bad about it. My goal really is here to not let things get out of control in my closet and to not force myself into things that I don’t want to wear just because I “feel bad that I haven’t worn it” or “I got it as a gift” or any other little thing I could think in this realm. (FYI: I am in the process of trying to home at least 100 pieces of clothes I no longer want/need! Stressful.)
  2. Keep Things We Love, Rid the Rest– As far as our home goes, we have a lot of stuff in here too. I’ve begun doing a thing where I try to ask myself before I buy something if I LOVE it. If I do, then I will strongly consider purchasing it. If I don’t love it, why would I bother? This goes from big purchases to clothing, and even down to the utensils I’ve decided to overhaul. Bye, clutter.
  3. Keep Some Schedules– I wish I didn’t have to say “SOME” schedules, but with the way I live and how busy I am, I really need at least 4. I need a blog schedule for each blog, a life/school schedule, and a health/food schedule. It may seem like a lot, but it somehow helps me out and gives me peace of mind. I forget everything, so writing it down in as many places as I can (no matter how “old school” it may be) really helps.



Of course, not all my resolutions fit into those two categories. I have a few more easily trackable resolutions. I think they are kind of typical, but a little different than years before.

  1. Try 10 New, Local Eats in Broad Ripple– Broad Ripple is a village near our house that is really cool and locally driven. Last year, we started with 10 local Indianapolis restaurants, but we figured we would bring it in a little bit more so we can try to step outside our box even more. (My husband and I= we. I made this resolution for him.)
  2. Make a Baby– This one is obviously including my husband as well. We are definitely in a spot where we want to start a family! No serious rush, but we are going to start trying!! This is my “health” resolution this year. I am not going to say “Lose X amount of pounds” or “Workout regularly” because there are a lot of things I need to work on to become baby-carrying healthy. I’m willing to work, and believe me, I will have to work pretty hard.
  3. Don’t Let Food Spoil– How weird is this one, right? But I am estimating that in our household, we have let hundreds of dollars spoil on our watch. Whether it means going to the grocery more often, or prepping a bit better/buying pre-prepped, I want to make sure we use what we buy. Why waste the money?! (Plus, the fresh things are the more healthy things we should probably be eating first anyway…)


Happy New Year to you all! I love you and hope you make 2016 the best yet! What is your #1 New Year’s Resolution? I’d love to hear!!

2 thoughts on “New Year. New Business. New Mindset.

  1. Some great resolutions here – and congrats on making your blog a business (and on the new blog), how exciting!! Hope to see you soon!

    XoXo, Kacie

    1. Thank you!! I hope you have the best new year possible! AND I hope to see you soon too! Pinterest Party?

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