27 Birthday Wishes (Only 1 of Which Includes John Mayer)


Do you guys remember when you were kiddos and you had a birthday party? You had a big cake, and everyone sang to you, and then they said “MAKE A WISH!” I don’t know where this got mixed up in my mind because they clearly declare you make a singular wish, but I always thought it was you made a wish for each year old you were. Maybe I mixed it up with the spankings? Maybe I just had wishful thinking? But I probably have a lot of apologizing to people for delaying their cake with the older I got and the amount of wishes I was trying to cram in.

This year, I decided to go along with my first beliefs, because they were nice and whimsical, and it’s not like the wishes ever came true! I never married my elementary school crush, Josh Baugh! Neither did the 30 other girls in our grade who made that wish every year! I never got to sleep with John Mayer, although that’s still on my list. I don’t have millions of dollars, a shiny red mustang, or every Barbie ever (with all their accessories, too.) But hey, a girl can wish and dream, right?


happy birthday boo thang


On this special occasion, my 27th birthday, I am going to share my 27 birthday wishes with you. (Brett, forgive me in advance for the amount of John Mayer love I will be pouring out. It’s my day after all!) 


  1. I wish there was a magic pen where you just tap it to your nail polish, then tap it to your nail and they are all all magically done and perfected and then ready and dry, so you can go about your day.
  2. I wish I had a personal photographer on call to just do blog photos for me at any time.
  3. I wish I had a personal assistant that I could get to schedule some social media posts out for me so I don’t have to sit around and do it once a week for hours at a time.
  4. I wish I could snap my fingers and be a fit, curvy 16/18!
  5. I wish I had any sort of athletic bone in my body.
  6. I wish I could remodel my kitchen to my liking- I’m talking new appliances, new flooring, new countertops, etc.
  7. I wish my husband and I could take an all-expense paid vacation for one week every single month.
  8. I wish I could work (blogging) full time from home!
  9. I wish I had a hair stylist to just do my hair every day when I wake up.
  10. I wish that I could find my favorite leggings (GAP) in ANY store anywhere so I could purchase more.
  11. I wish that Instagram would let me toggle from account to account!
  12. I wish someone could edit my YouTube videos for me!
  13. I wish there was a little brush fairy that came to my vanity every night and washed all my makeup brushes.
  14. I wish there was a Sex & the City TV channel that only play SATC all day every day forever.
  15. I wish the Spirit of Christmas would put my Christmas tree up for me.
  16. I wish I could meet/sex with John Mayer. (SO sorry, Brett.)
  17. I wish I could go on Chopped.
  18. I wish I could have a baby. Like, skip the pregnancy, just have the baby here already.
  19. I wish we lived in a community with all my best friends as my neighbors.
  20. I wish my MIL and SIL and her family lived in that neighborhood too.
  21. I wish my new blog (Moms & Mimosas) would just magically be Pretty Plus status already. It’s a lot of work!
  22. I wish that instead of Starbucks giftcards, people would just give me a cheesecake.
  23. I wish I had an iMac.
  24. I wish I had a Range Rover.
  25. I wish I could have a box of kittens delivered to my house.
  26. I wish I never ever ever ever had to deal with cat hair again.
  27. I wish that these wishes all weren’t so selfish- too late!

Thanks for sticking with me through another year! I’m off to celebrate my birthday now!