Life Update & Feeling Overwhelmed!

overwhelmed quote


I hope that whenever you come to my page, you feel like you’re having a heart to heart with a friend! I’m not running my page effectively if I come off as unapproachable, or am talking about things no one cares about at all. For this reason, I love getting emails from you guys! Don’t feel like you can’t just email me a quick hello or even a long story that you want advice from. Because quite honestly, I feel like my blogs are big emails to you all anyway.

With that being said, I know I haven’t blogged as much as I usually do lately. I promise it’s not that I’ve lost my love for it, but I’m feeling quite overwhelmed and kind of down on myself. If I’m completely honest, some of the things I write about most and care about deeply have been slipping to the back-burner. If you see me in public, you may not see my face full of makeup! And you may see me reach for a bit too much soda and snacks! I will be the first to tell you that it sucks, needs to change, but it happens.

I’m so serious! You have to give yourself a break. I have been telling myself that for the last month or so. Everyone has a point in which they have to step back, settle down, and breathe a little bit. Even a real go-getter like me has to admit, “Hey, I’m overwhelmed. I can’t handle this right now.”

Even more so, you need to learn to differentiate the GOOD things in life that are “overwhelming” versus the bad. I am lucky that almost all of the overwhelming feelings I am having are attached to awesome things happening in my personal life. Something you can do is sit down and write out all the GOOD happening in and around your life. It will help you to see clearly that even though you have a LOT to do, you have a lot of good surrounding you as well.

If you’re feeling nosy, have a peek at my list below!


  1. My husband and I purchased a new house in my hometown! I am so happy to be closer to my family and my best friends. It’s an insanely crazy feeling since I haven’t been living in town since I was 19. But it MIGHT just be worth it to see my dad’s smile SO BIG every time he sees us.
  2. I have a cool new blog/video set up in my new home! It’s in the basement and really has a cool industrial look. I’m pretty pleased with the area, and VERY happy it’s out of the way (AKA not messing up the rest of the house.) Once it’s all set up, I can resume VIDEOS, which is something I’ve put on the back-burner for too long now.
  3. I got a new job! Not totally- I am still working at the same place, but I have moved to a new role where I am working on training instead of account management. I am loving it so far, because it really makes me have to come out of my shell more, answer questions, and be more patient.


You can read between the lines and figure out where I’m getting the overwhelmed feelings from, but just look at all the GOOD things going on in my life! I urge you to take the time to look at the good in your life if you’re feeling overwhelmed. It can help you at least see what you’re working toward!

What are the good things going on in your life? Tell me in the comments below!

4 thoughts on “Life Update & Feeling Overwhelmed!

  1. Congratulations on all of the new things going on in your life. They sound very positive.

    1. Thank you so much! They feel positive, and now a few weeks later…I feel much better. I’m excited for the new things finally!

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