Cancel Your Valentine’s Day Reservations


Not everyone is fancy. I know I’m not! Brett and I had reservations at a “fancy” restaurant here in Indianapolis, but ultimately decided to back out of it. Don’t get me wrong- I love a good fancy night every now and then! I like any reason to get prettied up and have delicious food! I’m sure we will have many a Valentine’s Day where we step out into the town with a few hundred bucks we are willing to burn and will have an AMAZING, romantic night.

The thing is, my husband and I are more chill than that on a day to day basis. We are busy! I know it sounds like we are about 60, but there are so many other options and things you can do to keep the romance, but make it way more easy-going.

Here are some easy options just in case you decide to kick your fancy plans.

  1. All-day Movie Marathon (Complete with an awesome gift idea!)
    • One of my dear friends and her fiance are doing an all day long lounge-fest. They are a pretty active couple, love getting out and going to breweries, both busy with work, life, and are planning a wedding. Their Valentine’s Day will consist of exchanging gifts of comfy pajamas for each other and watching movies all. day. long. They are making it complete with a big batch of junk foods and ordering pizza for dinner. I find this idea to be SO CUTE! Next year, this is totally something Brett and I will be trying out!
  2. Homemade Dinner for 2
    • This is what Brett and I are doing this year! We decided that we are just too old for trying to fight a Saturday Valentine’s crowd and opted to stay in. I plan on making our dining room super fancy and serving a nice homemade lasagna. (My first one ever, besides my lasagna cupcakes!) I will cheat and used boxed garlic bread, make a side salad, and some homemade chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. Another one of my friends has her fiance doing some steak and scallops- talk about getting pampered!
  3. Make Your Own Valentine’s Day
    • So you want to go out, but you don’t want the “crowd?” Choose a different day to celebrate. Try a random week night, or the day before or after. Places won’t be so busy, you won’t feel so cliché, and you can still do one of the other options ON Valentine’s Day! It’s a win/win, really.

I hope these (super simple) ideas help you have a chill, stress-free Valentine’s Day! All my love to all of you! xo