I’m Not a Minimalist

Fave kicks- presently touristing!


I’m not a minimalist. Like, not at all. BUT I’M TRYING TO BE A LITTLE BIT! I have always been the type to let things pile up. Not in a hoarder way, but I surely want to get my things in order before I head down that path! I’m just all-around messy. I’m a ball of clutter! It’s so strange, because I’m excellent at organizing. I can pull together an event with ease. At work, I am orderly and efficient, but there is something about my home that I just can’t control. Especially regarding my closet- or lack of using my closet.

Right now, minimalism is really making a splash in the blogger/Instagram world. Right now, everyone is reading up on the KonMari Method of tidying, painting all their walls white, and creating a capsule wardrobe. You are bound to know one person or another who is engaging in some source of minimalism. So you can add me to that list!

While I am not a minimalist, I am making strides to rid the excess in my life. I’ve talked a bit about having only things that I truly love, so I am in the process of going through every single thing that I own to either decide that it has a place in my life, or to get rid of it. I wanted to share some best practices to minimize their “things” in order to make life easier, simpler, and less cluttered.




Decide What You Love: Think about what you really love and value. This might be easy for some, but for me, it was a matter of truly honing in on my personal style and needs. (This can also mean getting rid of things you don’t love, like my 100+ pieces of clothing I am looking to re-home above!) It took a little while, honestly. I am finally getting it all figured out, now it’s just a matter of purging everything like I’ve been attempting to do for months now!


Stop the Buying Addiction: Once you get #1 down, the obsession with purchasing should be rid a significant amount. I can attest to the fact that it doesn’t fully go away, but if you can picture all the things you have, you will know the holes in your wardrobe or life in general. It should help with the constant want for more.


Quality Over Quantity: THIS is something I have had many talks with my friends about. We are growing out of the “BUY EVERYTHING FROM FOREVER 21” stage and moving into the “I purchased a white shirt for over $100 because it fit perfectly, will last forever, and the buttons have a warranty.” It happens, we grow up. I’m not saying we will steer clear of F21 always, but choose quality pieces that aren’t disposable. You won’t want to wear any other white shirt when you have the perfect one you’ve invested in your closet.




Stay Organized: This is the one I have issues with. Look at the picture above. This is my closet pretty much all the time. I swear, I can have my home perfectly clean one minute and then by the time I’m leaving my house, it’s a MESS. I can’t explain how or why, but all I know is that I am trying to work on some organizational skills to manage the whole situation. I’ve begun with a “one in, one out” rule. If I get something, I need to rid something else from my life. It’s as simple as that, but then again….it’s not. I really need to work on it!


Does anyone have some great minimalistic organizational tips they’d like to lend me?!