Can you guys even believe where my life has gone in the last few years of my life? I have gone from zero periods, every PCOS symptom you could imagine, and 330 lbs to 100 lbs lost, periods regularly, and PREGNANT. I’m only 12 weeks from my due date and I just keep having to pinch myself to make sure it’s all real.

You can’t control everything in life, but there is something to be said about making a plan, setting your mind to accomplishing something, and then being SO CLOSE to hitting that goal. Pregnancy was mine and Brett’s goal from the beginning. We both knew we were meant to have a family, and we are so close to getting to hold our baby girl. *cue ugly hormonal crying here* I cannot wait!


ANYWAY. So many people have asked why I haven’t updated more on my pregnancy, but the total honesty is that I don’t have MUCH to update. I am so very fortunate to have not experienced the harsh things that come along with pregnancy. Besides the day I found out I was pregnant, I haven’t had morning sickness. I’ve had no food aversions. I sleep like a champ! I really have had no big issues so far, so updating has been something that doesn’t feel super natural. But I thought I would let you all in on some of the things going on!




So after my weight loss surgery, I wasn’t sure how pregnancy eating could be. It could have gone a few different ways, and I was SO afraid I wouldn’t be able to eat enough to give all the proper nutrients to our baby. WELP, that was wrong, because my body magically knows what it really needs, and I have been able to eat about 50% more than I would have right before I got pregnant. I have not really gained any weight at all so far, but do expect to gain some in this last trimester.

I am really loving: sub sandwiches, brownies, root beer, french fries, and chips with dip. It’s crazy to allow myself to eat carbs, because I went for over a year limiting carbs so severely! My body was in ketosis (without trying) for the first trimester, so I was told to eat more carbs. I’ve been running with the idea, so I do worry about a transition back to healthier eating after baby is here! I will cross that bridge when I get to it though!



As I already said, I haven’t gained any weight. Just up or down the same pound or two. I sleep like a champ, but I am just sore and tired easily. It’s expected! I also pee a lot, and possibly TMI, but I am wearing liners because I’m suffering from a kind of leaky bladder. It hasn’t been so bad that I can’t deal, luckily! However, it’s definitely a different feeling than I’ve had to experience before!

I have the TINIEST bump that most people still don’t recognize. I can still wear most of my pre-maternity things, but none of my jeans. I’m loving dresses right now, because they are so easy. And I have a few maternity dresses I’m loving from Target, Pink Blush, and some on the way from Storq!


The dress featured in these photos is from Pink Blush, and they offer some ADORABLE options for maternity, including a TON of plus size, which has been something I haven’t seen a lot of on the market. (This dress in particular is on sale, and I am wearing a 3X- very oversized. Could have gone with a 2X for an oversized look, or 1X for the correct fit.)


I’ll have to do another update soon to share some baby things, not just pregnancy items. I have gotten some really great stuff for baby girl, so I am excited to share those things. I can also share some nursery ideas, why we haven’t started the nursery yet, and how we have been stocking up on diapers, etc. as well!


  1. Great update Britt, glad you’re feeling awesome! I can’t believe it’s only 12 more weeks to go! You’re in the home stretch now babe!

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