Top 8 Lessons I’ve Learned


A great, big happy birthday to myself! January 8th is one of my favorite days of each year. I think I love the new year for so many reasons, but the “FRESH START” you get in the beginning of each new year is my favorite. Because it starts the “new year” and MY new year as well. This is probably why I am so hardcore about resolutions!

So…sticking with the theme of 8, it’s been 8 years since my 18th birthday. HOW could I be an “adult” now for 8 years? It seems crazy to me. The trials and hard times that I’ve already faced and the extreme triumphs and overwhelmingly good times I’ve gone though have all been learning and growing experiences.

So, for MY birthday today, I want to gift you with the Top 8 Lessons I’ve Learned. 

  1. Be Yourself ALL the time. I spent a lot of my youth being who I thought everyone needed or wanted me to be. I pushed my own wants and needs to the side when it came to everything from a super controlling relationship, to religious preference, to choices in schools. I really never started to be happy and successful when I found myself, considered myself first, and I haven’t looked back. I pride myself in being ME 100% of the time.
  2. Quality vs. Quantity. This goes for all things at all times. Should you have 20 random store brand eyeshadows or one great palette from a really awesome brand? Just the awesome. Should you have 50 acquaintances that you can hardly trust or 5 of the best friends you could imagine? Besties. Always. Find quality things to improve your life, not just cheap thrills.
  3. Be Careful Who You Trust. If you are filling your life with quality, this shouldn’t be much of an issue, but I know I have trusted and let in people that I shouldn’t have. Don’t trust just anyone in your home, with your kids, on your computer, or anything of the sort. Be extremely careful of who you trust, because your life and well-being is always at risk when you let your guard down too far.
  4. Live Within (or Below) Your Means. You may WANT that $700 pair of shoes, but when your bills add up to $1500 and you only bring in $2000 per month, it’s really not the best idea. Make sure you know when to say no and when to cut things out of your budget. Don’t get crazy. It’s not worth it in the long run.
  5. Pay ALL your bills ON TIME EVERY TIME. I’m not kidding one bit. Too many times I have been an idiot and decided to push off one bill for some dumb thing (living above my means, of course.) It got me into some trouble, and in some cases it got me so far behind that I just quit…and then I didn’t pay the bill even when it came in…and then it went to collections. Fast forward, and now I have JUST paid off all these ridiculous bills I should have paid off years ago. All these things will catch up with you, so just pay your bills on time!!
  6. Commit. To whatever you are doing for whatever reason, commit to what you do. There is something to be said about trying new things, but once you find that thing you have an interest in…commit. Whether it’s a long term or short term goal, you need to have one and you need to follow through.
  7. If Something (or Someone) Doesn’t Serve You, Don’t Stay. Say you have a boyfriend of 6 years who won’t commit, won’t grow up, cheated on you, doesn’t contribute, doesn’t respect you…well, you get it. He doesn’t serve you and you don’t need to stay. You shouldn’t stay because you deserve better!
  8. Move Out. This sounds so simple, but it’s so so difficult. When I moved out of my parent’s house, I got a hold of life. The real life- paying bills, cleaning up after ALL your messes, entertaining, grocery shopping, being by yourself. Be alone. Move out, and you will gain such a sense of independence and respect for yourself.

Hope I don’t sound too preachy! I really just wanted to share these bits with you. It was therapeutic to write them even! I’m off to celebrate my birthday now. I’ve got a few cheat meals to be had today!