This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #DineALaCat #CollectiveBias


When it comes to most things in life, I am an ALL IN kind of girl. Now, when it comes to my cats, I am WAY MORE than all in if that is humanly possible. I’m an over-the-top cat mom, will talk your ear off if you even MENTION one of my lil’ cats to me, and will do some pretty extra things to make sure they know they are super important to me.

With a new baby coming their way, I know their world is going to be ROCKED. I just want to make sure to keep doing some special things for them to let them know that they are loved, not being pushed out of the way, and are special! Of course, the main way I can do this is through their tummies. They are SUCH big foodies- it’s easy to spoil them! For this post, I am collaborating with Purina Fancy Feast® and Petsmart to share how I create a “fine dining” experience for these fancy cats of mine!


Hover over the post above, and you can just click on the products to purchase!



For this particular meal, I decided to shop at the most FUN pet shop to go to, Petsmart. If my cats would ever even let me take them OUTSIDE, I would attempt to take them to Petsmart with me! I am always SO jealous of the dog owners prancing their pets around the store, but my guys would not do so well.


On the plus side, I did get to go visit all the sweet baby cats up for adoption. I had to have some COMPLETE restraint, but was able to send some snaps of a few cuties to a friend that I know is on the look out for a new friend to bring home!

I found the best treats by Purina Fancy Feast® for my cats! They are going to have the fanciest meal they could imagine, and I cannot wait for them to try their new goodies! Read on below to see more about the FANCY meal I gave my cats!



I decided for this meal (and staged photo shoot since I’m extra,) that I would use my favorite dishes for my cats! Hear me out. Plates wash, people! It’s all good! So I have my black and white dishes ready for them to enjoy, and there is no shame in my cat food plating game!

I encourage you to make a meal special for your cats and use fun plates or bowls. They won’t notice or care either way, but it will make it fun for you…and help get some good pictures to bug all your friends with!



When I go to a nice restaurant, I am always excited to try all the areas of the menu. Bring on the appetizers, the soup and salad, the entrees and sides, and please don’t hold the dessert! I thought it would be fun to treat these sweet cats to a little something extra special with a 3 course meal as well.

It’s important to note that none of these products are meant to sustain a cat’s diet alone and should be served as an addition to their regular, well-balanced cat food. These gourmet complements allow cat owners to put pampering on the menu to enhance any meal and elevate your cat’s fine dining experience by a Michelin star or two.


For their meal, I started out with the Purina Fancy Feast® Broths in Tuna Whitefish Shrimp Classic. I knew this would be Joey’s favorite, because he LOVES the broth from anything. He’s had this line before, but I think this particular flavor was a win for him!

Next, I moved on to the Purina Fancy Feast® Appetizer of Ocean fish with a shrimp topper in a savory broth. Again, my cats love broth, so I knew this would be a good call. Surprisingly, North REALLY loved this one more than our foodie Joey did! I had them share this so they could save some room for the main course.

Their final course was the Purina Purely Fancy Feast® Filets Natural Wild Alaskan Salmon. This one made both the cats feel REALLY primal, and it’s probably because I served it whole for them! You can also serve it flaked or on top of their regular meal as a topper! I ended up realizing that they LOVED it, but were just kind of confused on how to eat it (and were probably over having the fancy set up.) Joey kept trying to run off with the whole filet! I ended up flaking it over their regular dish and they devoured it!




My cats tend to never be on the same page. Usually one day, I can get North to go along with my incessant paparazzi and the next day, she will shun me and it will be up to Joey. The only REAL way I can get them to let me take a crack at getting their photos done together is through food, which is another GREAT reason why bribing them to love me with a fancy 3 course kitty meal works out in my favor!

This time around, you can see that Joey was ready to be on camera. I did get Nori in ONE photo, but I think she was just having a bad hair day or something. She’s a gorgeous cat, but can sometimes (all the time) be a real fuss. My main tip for getting your cat to cooperate besides feeding them is being patient. These photos took a little while! Joey kept running off with the salmon. North scratched my arm while I was trying to pick her up to pose her. It was a lot of fun, they ate a lot of food, but it’s some work! Just be prepared to have serious patience!


Now that you know how to make all your fancy cat lady dreams come true with a 3 course meal complete with photos for your cats, be sure to grab the goods from Purina Fancy Feast® at Petsmart!