What I Did Right in 2014 & Major Resolution Fails

Have you ever gotten to the end of a year and decided to look back on everything? To really take a step back and evaluate all that you had accomplished for the year? To count your losses and celebrate your victories? I’m feeling the gravity of my choices for the year! Whether they weight heavy because I had a bit of a fail, or that they are weighing on me because I still have much work to do, or that they might be waiting patiently for the new year to ring in so that they can lift from me forever. (Whew. This is deep.)

Last year, I wrote out my 5 resolutions in this post. I am going to revisit them and give you and update below.

  1. Become Healthy
    • Fail- I really didn’t do anything to improve my health in 2014. I wanted to, but I also wanted to live life. Indulgences took over, but I know that I HAVE to get this under control for next year. (See my resolutions on 1/1/15 for more info!)
  2. Wrangle My Finances
    • Halfway Fail- I feel like I did a biiiig chunk of wrangling them this year. I paid off random debts, Brett and I aligned our money and our bills, and we know where we are and where we need to be. We successfully paid off 2 credit cards (small balances, but still.) While I know we put in a lot of groundwork and became more disciplined, we did fall off in a lot of areas and times. Finances will definitely be something on my 2015 resolutions.
  3. Be an Active Blogger
    • Win! I have finally worked my way up to steady blogging, with a bit of a routine, and definite consistency. I have even been posting upwards of 5+ days per week! I know I have a lot of room to grow, but I am very happy with my blog skills and achievements for 2014.
  4. Become More Charitable
    • Win! While a lot of people consider charity to be working with a certain group, giving money or time to an organization, but in 2014 I decided to give my charity to my loved ones. I always want to be there when they need me and help however I can. Whether it is through my time, my service, my love, or even a bit of financial help- I was glad to be charitable to my loved ones this year.
  5. Become a Morning Person
    • Major Fail- I still can’t wake up in the morning. I really really want to! You know what though? I improved in the waking up area. I wasn’t late to work hardly at all this year. I will happily call that a win, even in my deep, dark dungeon of fail. I’m still not a morning person!

I’m working on making my list of resolutions for this year. I can’t wait to share them with you! How did your year stack up vs. your resolutions?